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Open Space Committee Minutes 02/12/2010
Town of Old Lyme Open Space Committee Meeting
Old Lyme Town Hall

Minutes: February 12, 2010

Chairman Diana Atwood Johnson opened the meeting at 08:40 am with OSC members Amanda Blair, Peter Cable, Bob DePianta, Ted Kiritsis, Teri Lewis and OLCT liaison Christina Clayton in attendance. Also in attendance were potential OSC member Bruce Baratz and Jane Cable from OL Zoning Commission.

Diana introduced and welcomed OSC new member, Teri Lewis, and introduced potential new member Bruce Baratz to the others present. Diana reminded OSC members to get sworn in for calendar year 2010.

On a motion by Ted, seconded by Bob, it was voted to approve the OSC meeting minutes of January 14, 2010.

Low Impact Development
Jane Cable, representing the Zoning Commission, invited OSC to attend a special meeting of the Zoning Commission, to be held on February 22, 2010 at 7 pm in Town Hall, for a presentation on and discussion of Low Impact Development (LID). LID is a modern conservation approach to stormwater management that significantly improves the ability to protect surface and ground water quality and to maintain the integrity of receiving streams, ponds and lakes.  Jane hopes ultimately to incorporate aspects of LID into Town zoning regulations.

a) Open space zoning regulations
Diana attended the February 11, 2010 Planning Commission meeting to obtain support to categorically eliminate open water as acceptable designation of open space in the Town zoning regulations, and more specifically to adopt the OSC proposal for limiting the proportion of unusable land designated as open space.  The sense of the Planning Commission was opposition to relinquishing current discretionary power in designating acceptable open space in developments.

An issue that arose during the open space discussion at the Planning Commission meeting concerned the proposed requirement that at least 50% of the 15% of subdivision land set aside for open space must be usable land. Noting that, in addition to land granted to the Town or landowners association, open space requirements can be satisfied through conservation easements or by payment of fee in lieu of donating land, it was argued that stipulating “usable land” in the open space set-aside was not appropriate for conservation easements. In addition it was felt that the “usable land” provision might act as an unintended incentive for developers to pay a fee in lieu of providing land. Bruce Baratz asked whether percentages of open space in Town under conservation easements, State owned, Town owned, or owned by OLCT had been compiled. Diana indicated that she was working on those statistics.

Planning Commission did not decide on endorsing the OSC proposal at the February 11 meeting, but will decide at its March meeting after consultation with attorney Edward Casella.

b) Lord’s Woods development
Diana reported that agreed upon remediation work at Lord’s Woods development had been completed, but that the $75k fee had not been received. OSC will propose to Dr. Awwa, Lord’s Woods developer, that he grant a direct walk easement to gain access to Lord’s Woods open space in return for subordination of the OSC lien on the property.

Property Updates
a) Kus property
At 09:40 it was voted to enter executive session on a motion by Peter, seconded by Bob. At 09:50 it was voted to end executive session on a motion by Ted, seconded by Amanda. There were no actions taken during executive session.

b) Cross Lane
Diana proposed that OSC suggest to the Town that the 46 acres of land at 17 Cross Lane, across the street from the fire station, be made open space. Amanda noted that Connecticut Water Co. holds a lease on the land for providing water and that the terms of the lease should be reviewed before any recommendations are made to the Town about establishing the land as open space.

OLCT Report
Christina presented a report on current OLCT activities.

New Business
a) Earth Day
Teri discussed a plan she has formulated to provide Town trail passbooks to the Girl Scouts on Earth Day, March 21, when the scouts will bring collected garbage to a central site. Many organizations will have displays at the central site, and the passbooks should not only provide an attractive project for the Girl Scouts, acquainting them with the Town trails, but will also serve to generally promote the trails.

Old Business
a) Trail book
Peter indicated that he would be resuming activity on producing a new trail book. Teri suggested that the project could have interest with the Boy Scouts and that she could help make contact with the Scouts.

b) Walk schedule
Diana reminded the Committee that she had provided a cleanup walk schedule for 2010 in her February 10 email.

At 10:40, on a motion by Amanda, second by Bon, it was voted to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Cable